There are two things I can pretty much guarantee you when it comes to teaching your baby to sleep through the night.
#1. It’s going to be a challenge.
#2. It’s going to be 1000 times worth it.
I’ve never worked with a family whose baby fell asleep peacefully and immediately and then magically slept 12 hours without a peep.
Some babies have literally fallen asleep in 9 minutes (like my daughter Kenna did at 13 weeks old), and some have actually slept 11 hours straight (like a 10-month old who just graduated), on the very first night, but that is the exception, rather than the rule.
Most families start seeing results on night three or four. I won’t kid you, night one can be a trial.
But, every family I’ve worked with has said in some form or fashion that teaching their child to sleep has been life changing for them. The benefits to the whole family are almost indescribable.
Like many big decisions though, there are times that are ideal and times that are less so. Today, I’d like to offer some tips for deciding whether or not it’s the right time to take this challenging, but oh-so-rewarding journey.
Keep in mind that these tips are general things that work for most kids. But, as you well know, all children are unique. If you’d like:
• a customized approach,
• all of your questions answered,
• specific tips that are age-appropriate to help YOUR child sleep better, whether they are 3 months old or 3 years old,
• how to make the perfect schedule or routine, help your child fall asleep as quickly as possible at bedtime and naps,
• and accountability and support through this process
then the easiest way to get started is by booking a free, 15-minute discovery call with me to learn more.
Are you going to be around?
I’m not attempting to find a silver lining in this COVID-19 situation, but many parents are currently either working from home or not working at all, which does present the opportunity to be at home while you show your little one how to sleep independently. I usually recommend that at least one parent is home for two weeks while you’re sleep training, so this might be a great opportunity to take the plunge.
I don’t advise parents to start sleep training within two weeks of traveling, but I’m guessing that’s not a concern for most of us at the moment since we’re all sticking pretty close to our home base.
Is the time right for baby?
The best chance for a quick and effective solution to your baby’s sleep issues is to implement the changes when they’re healthy and thriving. If baby’s dealing with reflux or colic, you’ll want to get that remedied before you start sleep training. There’s going to be some fussing and protest in the first few nights, and we want to make sure it’s only due to the change in their routine, not because of actual discomfort, and if they’re healthy, it’s much easier to pinpoint the reasons for their fussing.
Is your partner on board?
If you’re raising your baby with a partner, it’s important that both of you are committed to the process. This can be a trying ordeal for the first couple of nights and if your partner thinks it’s not a good idea, there’s likely going to be a point where they manage to convince you to give in and resort to whatever “sleep prop” you usually use to get your baby to sleep. So before you get started, make sure you and your partner have both signed on and can rely on one another for support.
Can you stand a couple of nights without a lot of sleep?
I won’t sugar-coat it. Changing up someone’s sleep habits is almost never met with a lot of enthusiasm for the first night or two, so nobody’s likely to get a lot of rest for the first 48 hours. If you have an important meeting or a major event coming up in the next few days that you need to be in peak condition for, you might want to wait until next weekend to get things underway.
Are the symptoms of sleep deprivation starting to show?
Are you starting to feel depressed, moody, forgetful, unmotivated, clumsy, or unfocused? Is your sex drive starting to wane? Have you noticed an increased appetite and carbohydrate cravings?
These are all symptoms of sleep deprivation and it’s no laughing matter. Society tends to make light of the whole, “exhausted new parent” persona, and almost force new mamas to be martyrs, but the more we learn about the health effects of sleep deprivation, the less of a joke it becomes. If you’re sleep-deprived or feel like you’re on the verge, now’s the time to take some action.
Are their accommodations ready?
Exceptions can be made in certain situations, and especially for young babies, but I really do find that putting baby into their own room is the best way to help them learn to sleep independently, and there are a few decorating guidelines to help baby get the hang of this thing as quickly as possible. Their room should be as dark as you can possibly get it. Put up some blackout blinds or, barring that, tape up some garbage bags over the windows. It’s not pretty but 100% darkness will really help with daytime naps.
Get rid of any mobiles, crib aquariums, or light-emitting devices that claim to help baby sleep. (I can assure you, they don’t.) An ideal nursery is flat-out boring. Baby should recognize it as a place to do nothing but sleep, so keep their toys and stuffies in another room.
Don’t wait for the “perfect” moment
Like I said earlier, now might not be the ideal time to take the initiative to help your baby sleep through the night. Getting started and having to stop because of some bad planning is likely going to cause some confusion and minimize your chances for success. But remember, there’s always going to be something that isn’t exactly ideal. Teething, crawling, rolling over, and other developmental milestones, shouldn’t impede baby’s ability to sleep through the night, and they’re not going to stop popping up until your little one’s about ready to graduate from high school.
So now that you know all that, if you feel like the time is right and you’re ready to get started, let’s get going!
Get in touch and we can start putting together a plan for your baby right away I know it’s a big decision, (It certainly was for me when I first made it with my daughter) but the outcome is almost indescribably wonderful for the whole family. I’m ready when you are.
Click here to book a free, 15-minute discovery call to get started.