Danielle’s Story

Who I Am

My name is Danielle, and I work with sleep deprived and exhausted parents who want to make big changes in their child’s current sleep habits. Parents turn to me when they’ve tried many things, and haven’t seen much progress at helping their child attain better sleep. They begin to dread going to sleep and secretly fear that things will never change, or they will just resign themselves to having a “bad” sleeper.

Together we can establish clear goals that include your child becoming an amazing sleeper, and then achieve those goals. This will allow everyone in your home to get amazing sleep, like the 10-12 hours in a row at night that is developmentally appropriate.

Why Trust Me?

I am a sleep EXPERT. This means that I’ve gone through a formal, extensive training to become a trained Pediatric Sleep Consultant, and have all the background information necessary to help you achieve these changes for your child.

More about how I became a Sleep Consultant

We all know how dysfunctional things can get when sleep is scarce. I do not miss the days of feeling tired, grouchy and overwhelmed with my child’s sleep schedule.
As a mom of two I’ve seen both sides of the sleep spectrum. After my son’s four-month sleep regression, we reached out to a sleep consultant. The transformation that I saw in myself and my children had an incredible positive impact on our whole family. It has allowed me to be more patient and present, and has allowed me to be a better mother, friend, co-worker, and now sleep consultant.

How You’ll Benefit

I know that getting restful sleep is important for child development and life-changing for the parents. You aren’t your best self when you are feeling depleted and worn down. My goal is to help your family get the sleep you deserve!

By working with me, you’ll know how to make these changes to your current routine, and I will walk you through every step of the process. You’ll receive a clear, easy to follow, step-wise plan that is customized to your family’s specific goals and needs, will teach your child essential sleep skills, and help you attain those overnight stretches of sleep, long naps, and a comforting, stress-free bedtime routine that you’ve been waiting for.

You can feel confident in your decision because I have worked with many other families experiencing similar struggles to you. With those families I have had a 99.9% success rate with healthy babies, because they have a solid plan to follow and support to get them there.

Ok, what next?

The next step is super easy. All you’ve got to do is schedule a discovery call with me, and we can talk through your personal situation and come up with the best plan for YOUR family.

Click Here To Schedule Call

Until then – Sleep well (because you deserve it!),

– Danielle

Sleep Philosophy
My sleep philosophy is that all children (and mommas!) need restful sleep, and so my goal is to help children learn independent sleep skills so that they can fall asleep on their own and stay asleep through the night. I will help develop a customized sleep plan that aligns with the family’s wishes.
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