Do you wake up in the middle of the night to your toddler crawling into bed with you? Does your child prefer to play with their toys until midnight instead of sleeping? Did you start out with your child bed-sharing with you, but it’s no longer cute and it’s really cutting into your own sleep? We can work on all of these issues, and more.
Toddlers and children often have deeply ingrained, complex sleep issues that take a little longer to modify compared to infants. For this reason, you receive support for at 16+ days, every step of the way.
Like all other skills, healthy sleep skills need to be taught and children need to learn how to love and look forward to sleep. If you’re ready for a customized sleep plan that will teach your child independent sleep skills so he or she happily sleeps up to 12 hours at night (and takes better daytime naps), then here’s everything you need to know about setting up a private consultation with us.