Your baby may still be so little and new but it’s already time to be thinking about making a transition. When should your sweet baby be moved from the bassinet to the crib?
Bassinets are actually only created for the first 8-12 weeks.
Time goes by SO fast and it’s totally normal to feel some sadness with every little milestone and transition. But we know it is our responsibility to make sure our babies are in the safest sleep space possible.
I will start by saying that just because you are transitioning to the crib, does NOT mean your baby needs to be in their own room. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends room sharing until at least 6 months of age so moving a baby to their own room is a personal choice for every family to decide.
Here is how to know when it is time to make the move to the crib:
- Your baby shows signs of rolling. They will have more space in the crib when they start rolling and we want to avoid them getting stuck on the sides of the bassinet.
- Your baby is 12 weeks old. At this age, babies can learn new skills quickly. So you may think they aren’t close to rolling yet, but we don’t want the first time that they do to be in the bassinet where safety could be an issue.
- Your baby is growing! Newborns grow SO fast and we want to be certain they still have enough space. When your baby is in the middle of the bassinet, they should have at least a few inches of space on all sides of their body.
- You have already ditched the swaddle! These 2 milestones often happen around the same time, so if you’ve already transitioned out of the swaddle, it is also a great time to transition to the crib.
If your baby meets any of the above criteria, it’s time to make the move.
So, how should you prepare??
First, safe sleep. The crib should NOT have any bumpers, blankets, pillows, toys, etc. Just a tight fitted sheet. Make sure there are no items within arms reach such as curtains or cords.
Next, spend some time near the crib. While we don’t want to associate the crib with playtime by playing IN it, we do want to spend some playing near it in the daytime to be familiar.
Start with night sleep. Bedtime is the easiest time to make most changes with sleep. Once your baby is sleeping well in the crib, you can use it for naps as well.
And there you have it! Your first major sleep transition!
If you are struggling with your child’s sleep and looking for one on one support, you can schedule a free discovery call with Bee Wise Sleep Consulting at http://www.beewisesleepconsulting.com/schedule