I work with parents who love their children, just like you. The only problem is sometimes you see them too often, especially in the middle of the night when they just won’t sleep, or during naptime when they will only nap on you, or are constantly experiencing struggles at bedtime. You know they need to get better sleep so they are happier and developing at the right pace, and you feel like you’re failing them when they aren’t get the sleep you know they need.
Maybe you might also secretly want a little personal time for yourself and a break from working so hard. But you are hesitant to make any changes that won’t show any actual results, or you simply just don’t know where to start to see improvements in your child’s sleep. Or like many parents, you can’t bear the thought of letting your child “cry it out”.
Katie and Bee Wise Sleep Consulting have a proven method for developing customized, age-appropriate sleep plans that help establish independent sleep skills so your child can fall asleep quickly and easily at bedtime, sleep 11-12 hours straight overnight, plus take great naps during the day.
Not only will we help your child become a great sleeper, but we’ll also help you feel more rested so you can tackle whatever life throws at you.
Does your child:
- Wake up frequently in the middle of the night,
- Take forever to fall asleep at bedtime or use endless stall tactics,
- Cry inconsolably because he or she is overtired,
- Consistently take short naps,
- Or only fall asleep after being nursed, rocked, or bounced?
Do you:
- Dread bedtime because you know you’ll see your child just a few hours later,
- Have to ninja crawl out of your child’s room after you guess they have fallen asleep,
- Constantly argue with your partner about the best method or feel resentful of him or her for getting more sleep than you,
- Feel hopeless, like there’s no end in sight when your child will sleep well,
- Or just feel exhausted and sleep deprived?
Do any of those sound like your situation?
Many parents tell me they’ve tried everything they can think of to help their child fall asleep or stay asleep, and that they are just tired of being tired. Imagine going from feeling exhausted and dreading nighttime to having the confidence to know your child (and you!) will fall asleep easily, sleep through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed every day.
- Picture this: A couple days after starting our sleep plan, you wake up in the morning, and realize your child just slept through the night for the very first time. How would that make you feel? Overjoyed? Excited? Over the moon ecstatic?
- How would you feel if you could just kiss your baby goodnight, turn out the lights, go downstairs, and turn on the monitor, just to see she’s already asleep?
- What would you do if you had a couple hours of “you” time in the evenings?
- Consider how badass of a mom or dad you would feel once you’ve been able to support your child through this journey to becoming a skilled sleeper.
- Imagine how refreshed and rejuvenated you will feel once you are sleeping again at night, how productive you will be during the day at home or at work, and how much better your relationship with your partner will be once we see these sleep improvements.
- Visualize how happy your baby will be once they are getting adequate sleep, and how these independent sleep skills will become essential coping skills they can use to overcome any difficult situation they encounter in the future.
- Envision going out on a date night… and leaving a babysitter or a family member in charge… because you know your baby will sleep great and their night will be super simple.
What’s Included?
- My private consultations include a sleep plan that ranges from two to six-plus weeks, depending on your child’s age and the level of support you need.
- These consultations can take place over the phone or I can even join you in the comfort of your home for half- or full-night support.
- You’ll receive a written sleep plan that navigates you every step of the way on how to establish a bedtime routine, introduce independent sleep skills, deal with nighttime wake-ups or early mornings, and how to handle naps.
- But it doesn’t end there. During the entire process, you’ll receive my full attention and support through multiple phone calls, unlimited emails, and video feedback to ensure you see the success we both know is possible.
Life Changing Benefits:
- The very first, most important result is that you will see an amazing transformation with your baby’s sleep, and he or she will become a wonderful little sleeper.
- That leads to you feeling relaxed and ready to enjoy your bedtime routine, knowing both your child and you will have a restful evening.
- Your whole family will go from being sleep deprived to being fully rested, where you and your child will have more energy, be in a better mood, and wake up prepared to face the day.
- As a parent, you’ll feel relieved, empowered, and proud that you have helped your child learn these essential sleep skills.
- Plus, you’ll have time in the evenings and during naps to enjoy your personal time, to cook and eat a hot meal, treat yourself to some self care, watch TV, scroll through Facebook, enjoy quality time to reconnect with your partner, or do whatever you want!